Thursday, January 27, 2011

Some Old Pic's

Hey Folks

I browsed through my data and found some screenshot folders.
That is why I want to share some pictures out of my World of Warcraft career with you today. I had a great time in this game and have found a lot of great people. I've quitted a half year ago but these pictures always give me back the whole game feeling. I miss it a bit but havent actually the time to play again. And I have heared that the game now suxx.
So it is time for some nostalgica!


  1. It's like looking at pictures of your past life, then.

  2. the first picture is really wonderful and i know how nostalgic it can be watching old wow screens even though it sounds a bit nerdish :P

  3. blizzard was persuaded by the gop to make the game less fun because of the economy.

    so i heard.

  4. good times!

  5. That first pic is a really nice shot.

  6. haha, i felt the same way about Maplestory when I played then quit. I was reminded of it, nostalgia'd hard, then tried to play again, but it sucked. can't go back

  7. I have also several screenshots from games I have played somewhere on my HDD and every time I find them, a wave of nostalgia comes at me


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